Friday, 2 February 2018
Thursday, 20 April 2017
De dood
Herinneringen aan de overledene.
Herinneringen aan overledenen.
Herinnering aan de dood.
Van Allah komen wij en tot Allah zullen we wederkeren.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
To touch without feeling
To inhale without breathing
To live without being
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
How bad it may seem, remember..
it is from depths that you can climb high
oppression brings out courage
destruction brings out hope
desolation brings out faith
annihilation brings out resilience
hate brings out fraternation
pain brings out strength
light shines brighter in darkness
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Two weeks to be better
After seeing the documentary 'Fed up' I've realised that in fact I ám fed up. Not only with my eating habits, but with several aspects of my lifestyle.
After comtemplating I figured out that there are some fears that I have, and I don't want them anymore. It's these fears that lead me into (not) doing particular activities - and I'm quite fed up with that!
Overcoming my fears will result in a healthier, happier and more productive lifestyle.
The fears I have (i.e. the ones I could think of) are:
* speaking in public (I know, who thought about that?! Having been a teacher and all..)
* Taking part in traffic (like driving a car.. thinking about it is stressing about it)
* Being a disappointment (HIGH standards and I CANNOT fail!)
* Not looking good (I think that song is about me)
* Bad health (and that's definitely where I'm heading, if I don't make the effort to change)
So. To take charge of my life and improve myself I have to tackle these fears. They are annoying and obstructive. To help me with that I've taken the following steps:
- downloaded the app 'The Fabulous' and using it.
- video logging (vlogging is the word) my progress & reflections.
The app promises improvement within 15 days. Therefor I shall log at least every day for the coming 14 days.
I might blag, I mean blog about the progress.
Wish me luck!
ps. The vlogs are in dutch.
Monday, 25 August 2014
A new day
Today was a new day. Not like every other day is new. It was a particular kind of new. The kind that comes across once every few years - if you're lucky. The ones that bring new beginnings.
It was a new day and I can't wait till tomorrow.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
I'm not sure if other women 'celebrate' the day they started wearing hijab. And if they would, it could probably be categorized as bidah (=innovation in religion).
That being said, I do take a minute every year to remember the day I started wearing hijab. It was the evening of April the 29th, that I stood in front of the mirror trying some scarfs on - like I have done so many evenings before. Trying them on this way and that, until I found a style that suited me. The thing different this time was that when I looked at myself I could still see me. That might sound weird, because who else was I expecting, right? Still, this was how I felt and concluded there and then that a hijab was a part of me and my identity. I remember how thrilled I was to take the step, how clear it was that this was something that belonged with me, and how much I wanted to do this.
I knew that I might chicken out if I'd let it stay there, in the try-outs of my room. To ensure that I was going through with it people had to see me wearing it.
The next day it (conveniently)was a Dutch holiday, Queensday, and that meant that everyone would be at the fair. I was bound to bump into people that I know, and they would see me wearing hijab. And confirm me. It would make it more real, and that is exactly what happened. Though, looking back, my hijab was confirmed with the first step out of the house ~ the people were just a motivation to literally take that step.
Every year since I reflect on what this hijab means to me, and go back to that core of the why and how I'm wearing one. And every year it makes me happy and proud and it motivates me to become a better me. The imaan is boosted once again.
Happy Hijabiversary to me!
Saturday, 29 March 2014
There and back again
..feeling quite done with microblogging (read: Twitter)
Re-learning to express in > 140 characters.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Not a writer
I'm not a writer
I just like to write
I'm not a writer
And that's allright
I'm writing left
I'm writing right
I'm writing in the day
I'm writing in the night
I write about rights
I write about sights
Not about flights
Just the things on my mind
I'm not a writer
I just like to write
I write when I like
And that's my right
Sunday, 7 October 2012
6 yrs
It's been 6 yrs since I started this blog. But that's not of significant importance. It's been 6 yrs since I graduated. That was quite important. But I'd rather not think about the dramatic ending is has been. It has also been 6 yrs that I received the greatest challenge in life so far. My eldest son. Umar Haroen.
6 yrs ago, I didn't know what to expect. Eventhough I've seen babies in my environment, and studied about their development, I wasn't prepared for the real deal: having a child myself.
I remember being shakey and nervous in that first week, because Umar was so small and I was afraid I'd do something wrong or hurt him by accident. Then there was the second week in which Umar got hospitalised for an entire week. This has been traumatic for both of us, still is in some ways. After this came the very tiring first 6 months. All I did all day, every day - and night - was breastfeeding, or so it seemed. Can's remember much else from this period. Oh and studying for that final test in order to graduate..
And after these months it was still tiring, but just not as much. Or I got used to it or accepted it, or something. Still breastfeeding, but I think I got some sleep as well..
Hard work it has been, and still is, but the reward was there and to be seen immediately. Because in between the cries I had the cutest little baby. With a smile that can take away every sorrow. And a look that said 'I love you' better than any poem. And I played with him and I talked with him and I taught him the things I thought were useful to him.
And now he is 6 yrs old. Not a baby anymore, but still the cutest kid :)
(along with is little brother and sister)
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
The next expansion expected!
Those who know that I like the game ‘World of Warcraft‘ may not be surprised that I‘m looking forward to the next expansion of the game.
Tho, that‘s not what this post is about. The expansion that I‘m looking forward to is the one of my family. We are expecting another baby, hooray!
Insha‘Allah, the baby will arrive the beginning of August.. in the middle of Ramadan, Subhan‘Allah. I like that.
With 2 months left, things are getting hectic (as they always do when things are due). The typical feeling of “so much to do and so little time to do them“. With the extra problem of being too tired to be frantically on and about, just don‘t have much energy left to be hectic.
Enough about me, back to the baby. The big question is of course the gender.. will we have a girl this time, or will we be blessed with three sons?
Both options are very exciting, and I wonder how it will affect our family life.
And of course “it doesn‘t matter as long as it‘s a healthy child“, right.. we‘d be happy anywayz, but it still does matter!!
I just hope that I don‘t have to wait for too long now.. 2 months.. :)
Sunday, 11 December 2011
beware: sadness ahead..
Not talking about a movie, though it applies to many. With a couple of weeks left, the year we arbitrairy name 2011 will be over. And, Alhamdulillah, there have been some great events, and amazing things have happened. But it‘s end is bothering me.
As I said it‘s somewhat disappointing, I got tired, lost motivation, (positive) energy and worst of all .. Imaan & Taqwa. Both have decreased immensely, and I‘ve become weaker in protecting myself against waswasa‘s and my Nafs‘ cravings. And I hate it. Still I feel stuck, immobilized, unable to get up and act into changing my habits for the better.
But what‘s bothering me most, is the similarity with my life on the whole.. a fairly good start, peaking in the middle, but a possible disappointing end..
That‘s not only bothering me, but it SCARES me! I am really afraid (and that doesn‘t happen often). Because at the end of life, it doesn‘t matter how many great events there have been, or how amazing some moments or periods of life were.. it all comes down to how it ends.
And I‘d rather end at the peak of my Imaan, fully entangeled in my deen, shrouded in Taqwa .. than what I have at the moment..
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Most people who struggle with addiction will have one or more relapses - the return to drug use after a drug-free period - during their ongoing attempts to recover. This can be extremely frustrating for patients and for families, as they have already experienced great pain.
- source:
I have to take a moment of reflection now.
After one year I thought I had beaten my addiction. I have been musicfree for months, and couldn't care less if I stumbled upon some sounds here and there. I even stopped singing along (in my head) in the supermarkets!!
And then there came twitter.
I've been looking for muslim role-models, people who the youth can look up to and who already have some influence on the youth due to their popularity. Who else than ..rappers..
Clever ones too, people who are saying sensible -and even inspiring- things. Funny things too, but that all doesn't really matter. Because every tweet is by default connected to their music and every tweet is an invitation to look up one of their songs, and listen to what else they have to say.
That was the reason I was following them in the first place, right?
To see what they have to say to the larger audience?
And thus, I fell for my own trap.
One song leading to another one, lingering a bit longer on the musicchannels, watching the Voice and getting involved by having opinions as well. Letting music in again. One year of effort, to keep it out, gone in a poof.
But not entirely, because I still stand behind my decision to quit music. I'll still go on 'attempting to recover', no matter how many relapses occur!
I am stronger than this! There's nothing you can't achieve when you're focused and dedicated to the cause!
The FIGHT will go on!!
SUCCESS will prevail!!
YEAH, I can do this!!!
..after Eid?..
Friday, 16 September 2011
But this post isn‘t about pirates, nor monsters - so you can stop thinking about monsters now..
In the Netherlands we have a saying that goes “the R is (back) in the month“
And is usually said in septembeR to open the ‘Pill-taking season‘. Because no one likes a cold, or the flu, or winter depression.. some extra vitamines are therefor needed!
That‘s why also in our house we‘ve got all the supplements each familymember needs. I‘m even having 3 different ones meself! (Don‘t worry, it‘s safe to combine them) Realising that it does kinda look crowded on the shelf and .. also a bit ridiculous ..
The thing is, we always try so hard in septembeR to keep our health,
but in octobeR always get a cold.
In novembeR we get the flu and
in decembeR there is no escape from the winterdepression.
We stop caring about it in JanuaRy, we just want to stay warm by then.
With the sun coming through in febRuari
and flowers in maRch we often mistake the spring for summer.
And who notices an R being in apRil.
So that R and all these vitamins don‘t really mean much, I suppose, and they also taste awfull..
Now every morning, just before I take my daily pills, my mind & stomache go arRRrr!
Why I still take them? Well, I don‘t want to catch a cold ..
Monday, 5 September 2011
Ode to Mosquitoes
Do I really mean mosquitoes?
As in ...bzzzzzztt bzzzzzzttt.. *sting* *ouch*.. ?
And do I really mean ode as in praise?
Not death or curse, or anything else that inflicts them in any way?
Don't get me wrong, all my life there has been this hate-hate relationship between us. And we've had some heavy battles in this war, like the Great Battle of Summer 2007.
It was epic!
I just can't say they're nasty little buggers anymore. I have to let go the hate. And this is why.
Only recently did my son ask me, why there were mosquitoes. I gave him the standard religious reply
'Allah (SWT) created everything with His Wisdom, and we should respect every animal... nature..ecosystem..good muslims..etc etc.'
But the truth was that I could NOT figure out WHY there were mosquitoes.
I couldn't tell my son that I've been wondering that for ages myself, why are there mosquitoes?!?!
I couldn't tell my son what I deeply wished for the mosquitoes .. a kid shouldn't hear that kind of language.
So what changed in these last few weeks, that made me hate them less.
That made me even appreciate them.
That made me thank Allah(SWT) for his Mercy. And perhaps even the gift of mosquitoes.
..Alright.. not gift,.
This is what happened. I was too tired to hear the alarm buzz, while it was time for Fadjr (morning prayer). The mosquitoes in my room came to aid and buzzed instead, along with some itchy stings to make sure I'd wake up.
And like this,.. the Fadjr salah was saved and I understood their purpose.
It's quite beautiful, really. Thank you mosquitoes. To you this ode.
..No need for 8 mosquitoes in the room tho ..
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Countdown to Ramadan 1432
R minus 7
House cleaned inside out.
Well, at least most of it.
Ramadan, you are most welcome!
R minus 6
Deactivated social networks.
Want to get my head clear, and not waste time on checking & sharing status updates.
And who knows, after Ramadan I might still keep it deactivated.
R minus 5
There has been a lot of rain past few days. Combined with the warm weather it can only result in one thing:
Mosquito attaque
Also pointing out that I do not have much patience and give in quickly to my impulses.
~*must scratch*~
Good thing I can practice again soon.
R minus 4
Considering to start detoxing caffeïne.
Bought a coffee-to-go anyway, and had it spilled on the floor and partly on my shoe.
R minus 3
Last Jumma before Ramadan already!!
Haven‘t cleared my deadlines yet.
Where is my pre-Ramadan-Imaan-Energy-Boost?
R minus 2
Thinking about what food would be best, with thanks to ‘eco muslim‘ ( and making a list.
Setting the personal goals, getting mentally prepared for the challenges. A little anxious about what I‘ll see from my Nafs.
R minus 1
Last minute groceries.
Check, check, double-check.
Have the feeling that I haven‘t fasted for ages!!! Wonder what it feel like and what impacts it shall have: physically, mentally and spiritually..
Preparing some food for Suhur.
Drinking a glass of Ayran (Turkish yoghurtdrink) and a glass of water before going to bed.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
To have love and lost .. and love even more.
First the happiness that fills you up, when you see the ‘plus‘-sign on the predictor, when wanting a baby. The thoughts of how the near future may look like. The wondering of the sexe, and what names might suit him or her.
Then the worrying and the ‘what ifs‘. Without a confirmation you can‘t be sure. And the long wait until the docter‘s appointment.
Meanwhile a backache here and there, and very suspiscious, the lack of morning sickness. Memories uncover and similarities are found with that first pregnancy. The one that turned to be a sad story, because of the unexpected turnout of a miscarriage.
And so it was again. The same event, but a different exprience. This time I was not only prepared, I had already come in peace with the former miscarriage. Also I wasn‘t childless anymore.
Still, to be able to rationalise doesn‘t mean you can‘t be sad.
Then there was the hospitalisation. I didn‘t like this bit the last time, so I wasn‘t looking forward to this. But it all went better then expected. I wasn‘t feeling sick of the narcotics and I wasn‘t bleeding, nor having cramps. After an hour I was already being released.
Going home and looking forward to seeing my happy and healthy kids. Appreciating more what I have, and if possible, loving them even more.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Rights and wrongs
My freedom is gone
Being oppressed
What have I done
No choice anymore
Mischievous and unjust
Stop pretending
That you‘re rescuing
I won‘t take off my hijab
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
For nothing,.. and for everything
Not for the opposition.
Not for the province.
Not for the senate.
Not for the country.
Not for the system.
Not for democracy.
Not for freedom.
Not for being heard.
Not for the hopes of better times.
Not for good.
Not for evil.
Not for money.
Not for my children.
Not for my parents.
Not for me.
I'm not taking for granted what I have.
I'm not going to let it go to waste.
For the voiceless.
For the oppressed.
For the fallen.
Friday, 31 December 2010
Upcoming 11, past 30
I'm now not far off turning 30, wich basically means getting OLD.
I remember not being able to imagine my self as a 25-yr old, but now 2006 seems like ancient history. Have I realy gone old without noticing? Blaming the 'little things' like dry skin, hair loss and backaches on having children..
I think I have not. I think, actally, that I'm not old at all, really I don't even look old (if I may say myself). Yes, tired and sleepless, but that might pass upcoming year.
I also decided early this year that 2011 will be a sports year. I'm gonna get my sneekers on and walk as much as I can, maybe even run from time to time. Also planning on finally getting that burkini!!
And if nothing of the sort happens, no worries, being a mom is like a sport as well.
Now the things I'm not planning to do, or planning to not-do (anymore):
Not yet going back to work. No trips to far away. No more zoo trips, well .. not as often as in 2011.
What else not? No more sulking, no more sarcasm - difficult -, no more .. some of the other vices I have. If you see any, please notify ..
Fact remains, that eventhough I feel fit and extremely optimistic, I'd still be turning 30. Which basically means OLD. And comes with slower metabolism, aches all over, wrinkles, fails where I used to succeed, and a few drops in my IQ. Hihi, think that has already begun. I have to be a bit realistic, and act more like my age.
I'm sure it'll be okay, Insha'Allah, let's just see what happens and how it turns out to be. And enjoy along the way.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Quitting Music
There was also this addiction, this need for music with everything that I did.
Music to wake up to.
Music to have breakfast with.
Music for travelling
Music to socialize with.
Music to study with.
Music to have lunch with.
Music to dance to.
Music to fall asleep with.
And not only that, music also influenced my mood. It still does sometimes.
Saying that I'm attached to music is what they call an understatement. So, the past few years, I've tried to minimize the above, with succes.
A couple of weeks ago, on the radio they had the "90's request week", I really wanted to listen to it. Not only for the music, but also for the emotions and memories they are linked with. The 90's were my highschool years.
It was fun hearing those songs again, singing along and as always dancing when nobody's watching. The fun however didn't last as long as I thought it would... Only for 2 days .. And after that it was only a bunch of noise, disturbing my ease. It seemed that I had enough and was done with it.
So, taking that as my cue, I shall now quit with this lifestyle. Cold turkey. And resist the urge to think about what the perfect song would be.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Pearls of Jannah
Having Umar Haroen changed my life, because everything was about him without any regards for myself. It was tiring me out, but by my own choice, because I believed that I was investing in a better future for him if by spending so much energy on him.Looking back, sacrifices happily made, but at the time they very harsh to keep up.
It took a while before I was ready for another energy-consuming experience, and after 3 yrs the time felt right. I wanted Umar Haroen to have a sibling, and Mohammed Ayoub was born.
And what a sibling he is, a carbon copy! And I realised for the first time that I'm rich. Rich to have not one, but two beautiful pearls. This new level of awareness came with other positive side-effects, like patience and mercy. And thankfulness to the Creator, Who has blessed me beyond count.
And instead of energy-consuming, my second son has turned out to be energy-providing - making it possible to enjoy both of them to the fullest.

Sunday, 2 May 2010
After the long wait
When we decided that our family was ready for another member, it was still a shock to find out I was pregnant not long after the decision was made. I was scared that things would go wrong, but I was also anxious about everything if all would be well - meaning that nine months later there would be another kid around! And besides that, I was about to start my new job .. How could we be sure that the time was right?
After this, the long and tiring months followed. This pregnancy was very different from the one before, in which I was very fit & active. Now, I was only being tired and grumpy with a lot of aches everywhere - well, not the entire time, but it was mostly like this.
4 weeks before the due-date, I've worked a lot in and around the house, to make sure everything was ready. With only 2 weeks to go, I was ready. I felt ready, and when I felt the first cramps I knew that the baby was ready as well. In these two weeks I learned that it seems that I don't know my body at all, I had one false alarm after the other - but no baby.
And then it was the 6th of April, D-day, so to speak ... 1 day over due - 2 days over due - 3 days .. and I stopped counting.
But on the night from the 16th to the 17th, I woke up with teriible aches. Of course, I didn't believe it was the real deal, because I had been fooled so many times by now. I just got up, took a shower and waited for the aches to lessen. Which didn't happen.. It was time ..
A couple of hours later I was given my son Mohammed Ayoub. My first thought on seeing him was 'Umar Haroen' (his brother).
And when I held him, everything was perfect. Our family felt complete, Umar now has a little brother, Shah and I now have 2 sons.
There were no worries anymore, everything was as it was and as it was supposed to be. Subhan'Allah.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
It's easy to give up
The idea of the upcoming labour is tiring me out already .. is knowing what hardship is coming your way a blessing or a burden? This time I can at least 'prepare' myself, whatever that is suppose to mean.
Today I was ready to throw in the towel, to give up and lie in bed for the rest of the days to come. There seems to be no energy left, not in my legs, not in my back and not in my head.
But then I realised: giving up is too easy, and therefor no option!
Giving up has never done me any good, and once, a long time ago I decided that giving up isn't something that I just do.
So .. I won't give up and I won't give in ..
* I will get out of bed, and enjoy the day
* I will go to work for the next two weeks, and make the best of it
* I will do the household, as good as I can
* I will accept that I'm made to give birth, for I'm a woman
* I will smile
* I will play with my son
* I will keep my chin up and challenge the hardship
And all because I know that:
Allah doest NOT burden any human being with more than he is WELL ABLE TO BEAR!! (Q 2:286)
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Just another trip to the UK
It's freezing outside .. brr .. have to pick up little sister and get to Hoek van Holland. We're taking the ferry to Harwich and arrived 7 hrs later, 20.30 hrs local time.
Have to go up all the way to Manchester, a 4,5 hr drive - It's snowing, it's dark and the only way to get there is to follow TomTom.. We arrived safely, at 02.15 hrs, time for some Cha and a nice soft & warm bed.
Day 2. Nice to see the relatives
It snowed throughout the day, had some fun in it.

this is what could happen ;p
Day 3. Is it much farther papa smurf? This day we have mostly been travelling from Manchester to London .. Yes.. that sums it op quite well ..
Day 4. A day out with the family
Went with a couple of adults and a bunch of kids to have a fun day out. We went by tube, first time for Umar on an 'English train', he was very excited about it.

Day 5. Need a break
Let's not forget that I'm pregnant, all the fun is way too tiring for me, so I decided to take a break today. I did NOT go to Harrods, NOR to the National History Museum :`(
Day 6. Back with a vengeance
Visited some more relatives today, but the best part was too leave Umar with hubby dearest and go shopping myself!! Yeai.

Day 7. Jummah
A good day to sit back and reflect, I was very good in the first part ..
No plans to go outside, my husband and the sisters went after the 'OMG how delicious was that?!!'-dinner. As they went sightseeing and Umar was playing with his cousins, I had some time to play a bit of WoW (fish don't leave footprints). I like this holiday :D
Day 8. (wait in the) Shop till ye drop
I think that most men probably already know this, but if you ever go shopping with a shop-a-holic, beware that you might end up waiting a long time until that person is done (if possible). I like to shop, but I also know what I like and what not and don't take up a lot of time thinking about it.. so this was a good experience reminding me of why I'd rather shop alone ;p
Still had a good day tho, because we also went to Hamley's - and that's where others have to wait until I'm done exploring :D

It was a good holiday, I had my share of fun, got relaxed, ate A LOT and .. got to see my family again after some years. The speediness of time is shown when I look at the little kids who don't seem to be little anymore. Hope to see you all rather sooner than later and as for the grown-ups, thank you for taking us in, for your kindness & warmth and I hope we didn't burden you too much.