Wednesday, 30 April 2014


I'm not sure if other women 'celebrate' the day they started wearing hijab. And if they would, it could probably be categorized as bidah (=innovation in religion).

That being said, I do take a minute every year to remember the day I started wearing hijab. It was the evening of April the 29th, that I stood in front of the mirror trying some scarfs on - like I have done so many evenings before. Trying them on this way and that, until I found a style that suited me. The thing different this time was that when I looked at myself I could still see me. That might sound weird, because who else was I expecting, right? Still, this was how I felt and concluded there and then that a hijab was a part of me and my identity. I remember how thrilled I was to take the step, how clear it was that this was something that belonged with me, and how much I wanted to do this.

I knew that I might chicken out if I'd let it stay there, in the try-outs of my room. To ensure that I was going through with it people had to see me wearing it.

The next day it (conveniently)was a Dutch holiday, Queensday, and that meant that everyone would be at the fair. I was bound to bump into people that I know, and they would see me wearing hijab. And confirm me. It would make it more real, and that is exactly what happened. Though, looking back, my hijab was confirmed with the first step out of the house ~ the people were just a motivation to literally take that step.

Every year since I reflect on what this hijab means to me, and go back to that core of the why and how I'm wearing one. And every year it makes me happy and proud and it motivates me to become a better me. The imaan is boosted once again.

Happy Hijabiversary to me!

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