Sunday, 31 July 2011

Countdown to Ramadan 1432

R minus 7
House cleaned inside out.
Well, at least most of it.
Ramadan, you are most welcome!

R minus 6
Deactivated social networks.
Want to get my head clear, and not waste time on checking & sharing status updates.
And who knows, after Ramadan I might still keep it deactivated.

R minus 5
There has been a lot of rain past few days. Combined with the warm weather it can only result in one thing:
Mosquito attaque
Also pointing out that I do not have much patience and give in quickly to my impulses.
           ~*must scratch*~
Good thing I can practice again soon.

R minus 4
Considering to start detoxing caffeïne.
Bought a coffee-to-go anyway, and had it spilled on the floor and partly on my shoe.

R minus 3
Last Jumma before Ramadan already!!
Haven‘t cleared my deadlines yet.
Where is my pre-Ramadan-Imaan-Energy-Boost?

R minus 2
Thinking about what food would be best, with thanks to ‘eco muslim‘ ( and making a list.
Setting the personal goals, getting mentally prepared for the challenges. A little anxious about what I‘ll see from my Nafs.

R minus 1
Last minute groceries.
Check, check, double-check.
Have the feeling that I haven‘t fasted for ages!!! Wonder what it feel like and what impacts it shall have: physically, mentally and spiritually..
Preparing some food for Suhur.
Drinking a glass of Ayran (Turkish yoghurtdrink) and a glass of water before going to bed.

Ramadan Mubarak!


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