Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Quitting Music

Everyone who knows me, even just slightly, knows that I like music .. A lot. It actually is a part of my identity. There has been a time that I could only define myself with songs. And the songs determined my self-image.

There was also this addiction, this need for music with everything that I did.
Music to wake up to.
Music to have breakfast with.
Music for travelling
Music to socialize with.
Music to study with.
Music to have lunch with.
Music to dance to.
Music to fall asleep with.
And not only that, music also influenced my mood. It still does sometimes.

Saying that I'm attached to music is what they call an understatement. So, the past few years, I've tried to minimize the above, with succes.

A couple of weeks ago, on the radio they had the "90's request week", I really wanted to listen to it. Not only for the music, but also for the emotions and memories they are linked with. The 90's were my highschool years.
It was fun hearing those songs again, singing along and as always dancing when nobody's watching. The fun however didn't last as long as I thought it would... Only for 2 days .. And after that it was only a bunch of noise, disturbing my ease. It seemed that I had enough and was done with it.

So, taking that as my cue, I shall now quit with this lifestyle. Cold turkey. And resist the urge to think about what the perfect song would be.

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