Sunday, 2 May 2010

After the long wait

After Umar Haroen was born, it took me quite a while before I thought I was ready for another kid.
When we decided that our family was ready for another member, it was still a shock to find out I was pregnant not long after the decision was made. I was scared that things would go wrong, but I was also anxious about everything if all would be well - meaning that nine months later there would be another kid around! And besides that, I was about to start my new job .. How could we be sure that the time was right?

After this, the long and tiring months followed. This pregnancy was very different from the one before, in which I was very fit & active. Now, I was only being tired and grumpy with a lot of aches everywhere - well, not the entire time, but it was mostly like this.

4 weeks before the due-date, I've worked a lot in and around the house, to make sure everything was ready. With only 2 weeks to go, I was ready. I felt ready, and when I felt the first cramps I knew that the baby was ready as well. In these two weeks I learned that it seems that I don't know my body at all, I had one false alarm after the other - but no baby.

And then it was the 6th of April, D-day, so to speak ... 1 day over due - 2 days over due - 3 days .. and I stopped counting.

But on the night from the 16th to the 17th, I woke up with teriible aches. Of course, I didn't believe it was the real deal, because I had been fooled so many times by now. I just got up, took a shower and waited for the aches to lessen. Which didn't happen..  It was time ..

A couple of hours later I was given my son Mohammed Ayoub. My first thought on seeing him was 'Umar Haroen' (his brother).
And when I held him, everything was perfect. Our family felt complete, Umar now has a little brother, Shah and I now have 2 sons.

There were no worries anymore, everything was as it was and as it was supposed to be. Subhan'Allah.

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