Friday, 16 September 2011


I bet you‘re thinking pirates right now. And if you weren‘t, you are now.

But this post isn‘t about pirates, nor monsters - so you can stop thinking about monsters now..

In the Netherlands we have a saying that goes “the R is (back) in the month“
And is usually said in septembeR to open the ‘Pill-taking season‘. Because no one likes a cold, or the flu, or winter depression.. some extra vitamines are therefor needed!

That‘s why also in our house we‘ve got all the supplements each familymember needs. I‘m even having 3 different ones meself! (Don‘t worry, it‘s safe to combine them) Realising that it does kinda look crowded on the shelf and .. also a bit ridiculous ..

The thing is, we always try so hard in septembeR to keep our health,
but in octobeR always get a cold.
In novembeR we get the flu and
in decembeR there is no escape from the winterdepression.
We stop caring about it in JanuaRy, we just want to stay warm by then.
With the sun coming through in febRuari
and flowers in maRch we often mistake the spring for summer.
And who notices an R being in apRil.

So that R and all these vitamins don‘t really mean much, I suppose, and they also taste awfull..
Now every morning, just before I take my daily pills, my mind & stomache go arRRrr!

Why I still take them? Well, I don‘t want to catch a cold ..


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