Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Two weeks to be better

After seeing the documentary 'Fed up' I've realised that in fact I ám fed up. Not only with my eating habits, but with several aspects of my lifestyle.

After comtemplating I figured out that there are some fears that I have, and I don't want them anymore. It's these fears that lead me into (not) doing particular activities - and I'm quite fed up with that!

Overcoming my fears will result in a healthier, happier and more productive lifestyle.

The fears I have (i.e. the ones I could think of) are:
* speaking in public (I know, who thought about that?! Having been a teacher and all..)
* Taking part in traffic (like driving a car.. thinking about it is stressing about it)
* Being a disappointment (HIGH standards and I CANNOT fail!)
* Not looking good (I think that song is about me)
* Bad health (and that's definitely where I'm heading, if I don't make the effort to change)

So. To take charge of my life and improve myself I have to tackle these fears. They are annoying and obstructive. To help me with that I've taken the following steps:
- downloaded the app 'The Fabulous' and using it.
- video logging (vlogging is the word) my progress & reflections.

The app promises improvement within 15 days. Therefor I shall log at least every day for the coming 14 days.

I might blag, I mean blog about the progress.

Wish me luck!

ps. The vlogs are in dutch.

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