Monday, 5 September 2011

Ode to Mosquitoes

Do I really mean mosquitoes?
As in ...bzzzzzztt bzzzzzzttt.. *sting* *ouch*..  ?
And do I really mean ode as in praise?
Not death or curse, or anything else that inflicts them in any way?

Don't get me wrong, all my life there has been this hate-hate relationship between us. And we've had some heavy battles in this war, like the Great Battle of Summer 2007.
It was epic!

I just can't say they're nasty little buggers anymore. I have to let go the hate. And this is why.

Only recently did my son ask me, why there were mosquitoes. I gave him the standard religious reply
'Allah (SWT) created everything with His Wisdom, and we should respect every animal... nature..ecosystem..good muslims..etc etc.'
But the truth was that I could NOT figure out WHY there were mosquitoes.
I couldn't tell my son that I've been wondering that for ages myself, why are there mosquitoes?!?!
I couldn't tell my son what I deeply wished for the mosquitoes .. a kid shouldn't hear that kind of language.

So what changed in these last few weeks, that made me hate them less.
That made me even appreciate them.
That made me thank Allah(SWT) for his Mercy. And perhaps even the gift of mosquitoes.
..Alright.. not gift,.

This is what happened. I was too tired to hear the alarm buzz, while it was time for Fadjr (morning prayer). The mosquitoes in my room came to aid and buzzed instead, along with some itchy stings to make sure I'd wake up.
And like this,.. the Fadjr salah was saved and I understood their purpose.
It's quite beautiful, really. Thank you mosquitoes. To you this ode.

..No need for 8 mosquitoes in the room tho ..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow maybe thats why that musquito was in my room last night... now his body's just stuck on my seeling :/ and i missed fajr prayer this morning too :/

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