Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Superstorm expected

I received a disturbing fwd-msg today, about a superstorm hitting the Netherlands in November 2007. Why would something that happens all over the world be disturbing, if it were to happen in such a small country in the world?
Well, because ... I LIVE THERE!! :p

In short: there's gonna be one storm between the 8th and the 13th of November, this is not the superstorm
The big one is expected between the 24th and the 28th of november, with winds going with more than 200km/h!! This will surely mean the end of the Netherlands, with half of the country under sea-level ..

The email I got said it was a dutch translation of the english text on - the prediction is made by a guy named 'Piers Corbijn'. Sceptic as I am, I went to the site.

Not suprised to find that no such site exists. There is however a website called also naming Piers Corbijn, so perhaps that's where I may find this disastrous forecast. But I couldnt find any article or comment or statement regarding the Netherlands. No search results showed up when I typed 'superstorm' ..

The site however seems to be from a freelance forecaster, you can buy your forecasts there.. : It rieks of scams and hoaxes, so I left the site. Feeling a bit more reassured that there probably isn't gonna be a superstorm after all.



or is there? Do you remember the 'hilarious' prediction of a US-something-something-department? The one they made halfway the 90's, in which they said the Netherlands will be flooded in. .. 2007!! I remembered and .. Oh I found something ..

here it is:
"Key findings of the Pentagon Report:
· By 2007 violent storms smash coastal barriers rendering large parts of the Netherlands inhabitable. Cities like The Hague are abandoned. In California the delta island levees in the Sacramento river area are breached, disrupting the aqueduct system transporting water from north to south"
(source: )
tutututututu (twilight zone music)

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