Wednesday, 28 November 2007

In search of knowledge

Due to my brothers take-over of the nintendo DS, I had to look for a new hobby. I wonder if it's wise to work on a new project, while other 'projects' aren't done yet. Is it possible for me to combine them, to manage my little time properly so that I can do the right thing? I hope so, because working one project at the time just isn't my way. Whenever I feel inspired, I just have to act upon it. And so it is the case with my latest hobby-project.

Eventhough I am officially a psychologist now, I don't feel like one. Mostly because I'm not working atm :p Another factor is that I don't feel specialised enough. Mostly because I'm not working atm :p:p
SO, I've decided to educate myself further in the field of ISLAMIC PSYCHOLOGY! -- which has nothing to do with how muslims try to indoctrinate non-muslims or anything like that ;) in case you were wondering ..

No, I am interested in the Islamic views and perspective on the human being and it's psychological (emotional, social, cognitive, moral, etc) development. I've found some very interesting websites, that can help me in my search, and if you're interested in the subject then don't hesitate to visit them.

Koranische psychologie (dutch)
Muslim Psychologist (blog)
Islamic Psychology Online (articles and books)

And you know, to be honest, this is way much more fun than playing Zelda.
(but I do hope you finish the game soon bro!!)

edit 03/2008:
new links
Islamic Psychology 1
articles Islamic Psychology

1 comment:

Ahmed said...

Jazakallah for the comment on my blog.
So you're a psychologist, masha'Allah. What topics did you study?

Deduction Game