Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Newest Zelda

It has been released and I got it the first day. Well sort of, I bought it 'for my sister', because she's the one with a Nintendo DS.

The Phantom Hourglass. I LOVE it!! The gameplay is so much fun with the DS-pen (stylus) and a whole lot easier than the other Zelda-games. There is something annoying about the game though and that is the temple. The monsters in there will chase you whenever they see you, and since there is no defeating them you have to avoid being seen. This doesn't only take a lot of time, it is also immensely tricky. And time isn't something you have in the temple. What's worse, when they get to you and hit you, you lose time!! (and a heart)

Nevertheless, i still LOVE it, and can't wait for my sister to finish the game. So that I can borrow it!

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