Wednesday, 26 September 2007

NY's gonna explode!!

Wait, stop, hold it right there!! I know I'm a muslima and that I write some Islam-related posts, but I can assure you that this post is in no way whatsoever linked to al-Qaida.

I'd like to write something about my favourite series at the moment 'Heroes'

The characters all have special powers, the idea is similar to x-men - you know, next level in evolution and stuff. And they are learning about their powers and the good, bad and ugly that they can do with them. One thing is sure, New York will explode unless these characters, the heroes, find a way to stop it.

Funny thingy in the series is, how everyone has his/her own ideas of what a hero is. Very intriguing to watch. It was also fun to spot Stan Lee.


what else.. I can't say too much without giving away any spoilers, so just go and watch it ;p

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