Friday, 10 August 2007

Ban on Qur'an?

Yes, the Dutch politician Geert Wilders has made himself popular and impopular again. He claims that the Qur'an, the Holy Book of muslims, is a fascistic book and should be banned from the Netherlands. Mosques should be forbidden to sell them, and there should be a penalty on having a copy at home. It's the same blabla we've been hearing Geert Wilders say, ever since he popped out with his blonde coupe. Im not shocked to hear these words from him.

I am shocked however to hear other politicians reply on his statement with the words "The wholde idea is unrealistic. There's no way we can ensure such a ruling."
Unrealistic?!! Try 'unreasonable' or 'ridiculous' or how about 'idiotic filled with stupidity and not worthy of a serious reaction'!!
What am I, a dutch muslima, to think of the term 'unrealistic'? I know exactly what it means, it means that they agree with Geert Wilders and would want nothing more than a way to get rid of the Qur'an, but putting a ban on it would simply not be realistic ..

And people wonder why muslims in the Netherlands complain so much and take a defensive attitude.

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