Monday, 16 April 2007


= patience (arabic)

And of Thursday 12th of April, it's also the name of an Islamic student's association in the Netherlands. With my husband (who actually is a student) and my son I witnessed the opening of this association. Eventhough I couldn't follow everything of the program, things like that happen when you have a kid, I'm happy that I went. I think it's important for anyone who approves of such an association to show up at these sort of events: we are all needed like a bunch of cheerleaders, a main core of support, a backbone.

So what does this new student's association stand for, what are they willing to achieve, and most importantly .. was the opening any fun? :)

They started of with welcoming messages and moral messages like: "Everything comes in time, for those who have patience" and "Patience can be learned"

They've set up 6 goals:
1) To inform religious and non-religious students about Islam
2) To stimulate the experience in spiritual value of religion
3) To stimulate integration among students of different backgrounds
4) To support intereligious dialogue in order to increase respect for each other
5) To look after the interests of students when it comes to their education
6) To increase social involvement of the students

Sounds neat eh? That's what I thought. Insha'Allah (Godwilling) they'll achieve these goals and any new ones that develop. It 'only' needs a lot of hard work and of course .. patience.

For more information see

ps. The food was delicious - always important at any event ;)

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