Thursday, 5 April 2007

Fruit 'n vegetables

Umar Haroen (the baby) is allowed to have some fruits or vegetables for 1 meal in the day. That's big news for us, of course, for every new thing about the baby is a major thing for a parent.

The day before yesterday he had his first banana, alright, half a banana. He really really really liked the banana and everything was still clean when he had finished it. Yesterday, same story, half a banana - deliciousss!.

Today I tried something new, the banana was new and that worked so this would work as well. I thought.. and I thought wrong. I had a piece of broccoli on the menu for him, I like broccoli myself and since Umar Haroen is my kid, he might like it as well. Well, he didn't like it.

Lucky for me that I did, because his dad wouldn't have it either ..

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