Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The next expansion expected!

Those who know that I like the game ‘World of Warcraft‘ may not be surprised that I‘m looking forward to the next expansion of the game.

Tho, that‘s not what this post is about. The expansion that I‘m looking forward to is the one of my family. We are expecting another baby, hooray!
Insha‘Allah, the baby will arrive the beginning of August.. in the middle of Ramadan, Subhan‘Allah. I like that.

With 2 months left, things are getting hectic (as they always do when things are due). The typical feeling of “so much to do and so little time to do them“. With the extra problem of being too tired to be frantically on and about, just don‘t have much energy left to be hectic.

Enough about me, back to the baby. The  big question is of course the gender.. will we have a girl this time, or will we be blessed with three sons?
Both options are very exciting, and I wonder how it will affect our family life.
And of course “it doesn‘t matter as long as it‘s a healthy child“, right.. we‘d be happy anywayz, but it still does matter!!

I just hope that I don‘t have to wait for too long now.. 2 months.. :)

1 comment:

Rob Hennekam said...

Congratulations, and Tks for your blog. Do you have to fellow fasting being pregnant? All the best!

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