Sunday, 20 July 2008

chilling out the hecticness

I've been more than excited in April, with the start of my job. But in june the first dark clouds arrived. Internal reorganizations highlighted the end of my contract, in octobre 2008. There were no means, nor any need, to keep me any longer.

At least not at the location where I worked. I tried my luck and applied with a location, not far from my house. And now 1 month later, I don't have to live in tension anymore :) The managers have come to an agreement: as of the first of September I shall be transfered to my new second home!

Besides my personal situation, work has been very demanding as well. A lot of cases had to be wrapped and closed. All unfinished business had to be finished. I did (at least) twice the work I did normally.

It didn't help dat Umar Haroen hasn't been feeling so good either.
Busy at work, busy at home, no time to relax and feeling that I was tiring out.
But no need to worry, this week has been a turning point. Calmness has returned in my life and the sun is shining again (as a figure of speech, obviously). I've done very well with my deadlines, Umar is feeling better again and my job is secure again!!

My plans for the next month?
Sit back, relax and enjoy the 'summer'!

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