Monday, 8 December 2008

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

A moment of bliss

.. enjoying the moment ..


Wednesday, 5 November 2008

History seems an understatement

The more I think about it, the more I realise that in my short life there have been many events and figures that have written history.
I'm surprised that this much significancy can happen in such a short period, and not to mention the great historical events before I was born.

If placed in a wide perspective I'd name the period from World War II, till now and still ongoing the EXTRA-HISTORICAL ERA. Just think about the relatively short period and it's events ..

Who would have thought that a nuclear bomb would be used against mankind?
Who would have thought that genocide would take the scales that they have?
Who would have thought that men would walk the moon?
Who would have thought nations would unite?
Who would have thought that global warming would show it's effects this soon?
And ...
Who would have thought that the United States of America would vote for a black president?!

Not me, and I'm sure Chris Rock neither ..

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

who decides ..

..what you should do with your life? you should handle your responsibilities?
..what should be best for you? you should react in tense situations?
..what's right and what's wrong?

What are these decisions based on?
Are these fair?

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Inspired by the Olympics

just play the game
and play it fair
fight the fight
and don't despair

If you think you've lost
then you have
But don't think you've won
until you have

accept the challenge
grasp every opportunity
push your limits
and you'll have victory


tip: google theme logo's - every day a new olympic google,
for example (nr 08 basketball):

Sunday, 20 July 2008

chilling out the hecticness

I've been more than excited in April, with the start of my job. But in june the first dark clouds arrived. Internal reorganizations highlighted the end of my contract, in octobre 2008. There were no means, nor any need, to keep me any longer.

At least not at the location where I worked. I tried my luck and applied with a location, not far from my house. And now 1 month later, I don't have to live in tension anymore :) The managers have come to an agreement: as of the first of September I shall be transfered to my new second home!

Besides my personal situation, work has been very demanding as well. A lot of cases had to be wrapped and closed. All unfinished business had to be finished. I did (at least) twice the work I did normally.

It didn't help dat Umar Haroen hasn't been feeling so good either.
Busy at work, busy at home, no time to relax and feeling that I was tiring out.
But no need to worry, this week has been a turning point. Calmness has returned in my life and the sun is shining again (as a figure of speech, obviously). I've done very well with my deadlines, Umar is feeling better again and my job is secure again!!

My plans for the next month?
Sit back, relax and enjoy the 'summer'!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Stepping into the world

The time has finally come that my son will go to the nursery. On the 2nd of April it will be his first day, a whole day without his mother, father and other relatives. A whole day surrounded by strangers, most of them kids - who happen to be a bit older than he is. I can only imagine how scary that must be for him. On the other hand, he likes playing with kids and there are lots of toys at the nursery - he might just forget that it's scary and enjoy himself. Either way, he's stepping into the social world, where there's a lot for him to learn. One step into the world of the grown-ups.

And as he will, I'll do the same. I too shall take another big step in the world of the grown-ups. It will be the first day of the rest of my working life. YES, I've finally got a job - it only took me 6 months (*sarcasm*). I'll be working in a team of child-protection, which is a branch of social work, focused on the safety & health of children in problematic families.

I couldn't be more excited. I'm having flashbacks to the first day of school, all of them. How I prepared myself for the big day, by buying new clothes and make-up and trying different styles. My way of preparation hasn't changed :P

I think it'll be alright, both for me and my son. We'll manage just fine, and I'm sure that we both will be happy about taking that very big step.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

What I want to see .. beauty ..

Non-religious folk tend to be skeptic towards anything and everything related to any religion. Where religious people are struck by miracle after miracle, nonbelievers will say "you only see it as a miracle, because it's what you want to see". And I have to give it to them, it's quite true - if you don't believe in miracles, you won't see them as such. There's always another scientific explanation, which makes more sense most of the times.

For me though, my religion has shown me a different look on the world. It has exposed to me the beauty of the creation, as it is more perfect than I could ever imagine. Everyday, for example, I'm amazed by the colours that decorate the sky.

On sunday, 17/02/2008, I saw death. When I went to feed my guinea pigs I found that one of them had died. As a normal woman, I was shocked to see her dead and I cried almost hysterically. I pulled myself together and went back to the cage, where I had to double-check. Sadly enough I wasn't mistaken, Pokì had died. But there was something else that struck me. Her face was in the direction of the Qibla, the direction we read our Salat (muslim prayer), the direction of Kaaba in Makkah.

Was that a coincidence? Did I only see that because I'd like to believe that it's true? Does it matter if I'm right or not? All I can say, is that to me it was a little (HUGE) miracle, and it comforted me. It gave me the feeling that my guinea pig had died in peace. That her last thoughts were with the Creator, and that she told Him that she was on her way to Him.

It sure sounds beautiful to me.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Dear Diary

Hi, it has been a while. I know I've neglected our friendship a bit, I'm sorry. It's really nice to see you again!

Do you remember how close we were 10 years ago? We had our secrets, our laughs and our tears. And sometimes, we just sat there on my bed, in silence. No one else got to know me the way you did. To you I could say anything and everything, you'd let me be me. And I'll always love you for it.

Now I have a new friend. A blog. But that friendship will never be like ours, it will never be the same. My dearest diary, I guess I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about you.


ps. I'll make sure I'll write this down, as soon as I find you ..

Friday, 11 January 2008

But I DO want to be in the middle!

I just can't believe the teaser I just saw on the tv-screen. I didn't know they were working on this movie. Never guessed they'd make a 'sequel'. But it's real, and it will be on the big screen from thursday on.

What am I talking about? Only about nothing less than:


Can't wait to see it!

Gotto go .. have to find a babysitter asap :P

Deduction Game