Thursday, 10 May 2007

still looking..

Now that I've exchanged my glasses for lenses, I can see more clear then ever and that may help me find a job.

Bright as I can see, it's hard for me to look on the bright side of life - tu du tu du du du du. After sending out letters since March, I now finally got an invitation. They expect me next monday in Utrecht, which is so close (monday is only 4 days away) and yet so far (Utecht isn't around the corner).

What do I do with the baby? Take along or leave with Dadi-ji? My husband probably can't come along, so I must leave Umar Haroen behind for a few hours. I'm scared :P

I am happy though for the invitation, all the other institutions seem to have forgotten about me. I phoned one up, 2 weeks ago, and they said they were still doing letter-selections. I don't understand all this sloppiness .. do they need people or what? And if they're not interested, they could at least turn me down politely .. or not politely, at least I would know that my services are not welcome.

Meanwhile, I'll see what will happen monday and keep looking around..

update 17-05-2007:
The interview went almost horrible. When I left i had the strong feeling that the leader of the project didn't like me. And probably I was right. I didn't get the job ;p The reason - I wasn't exactly wat they were looking for as a teammember.. well, their loss :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.

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