Monday, 29 October 2012

Not a writer

I'm not a writer
I just like to write
I'm not a writer
And that's allright

I'm writing left
I'm writing right
I'm writing in the day
I'm writing in the night

I write about rights
I write about sights
Not about flights
Just the things on my mind

I'm not a writer
I just like to write
I write when I like
And that's my right

Sunday, 7 October 2012

6 yrs

It's been 6 yrs since I started this blog. But that's not of significant importance. It's been 6 yrs since I graduated. That was quite important. But I'd rather not think about the dramatic ending is has been. It has also been 6 yrs that I received the greatest challenge in life so far. My eldest son. Umar Haroen.

6 yrs ago, I didn't know what to expect. Eventhough I've seen babies in my environment, and studied about their development, I wasn't prepared for the real deal: having a child myself.
I remember being shakey and nervous in that first week, because Umar was so small and I was afraid I'd do something wrong or hurt him by accident. Then there was the second week in which Umar got hospitalised for an entire week. This has been traumatic for both of us, still is in some ways. After this came the very tiring first 6 months. All I did all day, every day - and night - was breastfeeding, or so it seemed. Can's remember much else from this period. Oh and studying for that final test in order to graduate..

And after these months it was still tiring, but just not as much. Or I got used to it or accepted it, or something. Still breastfeeding, but I think I got some sleep as well..

Hard work it has been, and still is, but the reward was there and to be seen immediately. Because in between the cries I had the cutest little baby. With a smile that can take away every sorrow. And a look that said 'I love you' better than any poem. And I played with him and I talked with him and I taught him the things I thought were useful to him.

And now he is 6 yrs old. Not a baby anymore, but still the cutest kid :)
(along with is little brother and sister)

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The next expansion expected!

Those who know that I like the game ‘World of Warcraft‘ may not be surprised that I‘m looking forward to the next expansion of the game.

Tho, that‘s not what this post is about. The expansion that I‘m looking forward to is the one of my family. We are expecting another baby, hooray!
Insha‘Allah, the baby will arrive the beginning of August.. in the middle of Ramadan, Subhan‘Allah. I like that.

With 2 months left, things are getting hectic (as they always do when things are due). The typical feeling of “so much to do and so little time to do them“. With the extra problem of being too tired to be frantically on and about, just don‘t have much energy left to be hectic.

Enough about me, back to the baby. The  big question is of course the gender.. will we have a girl this time, or will we be blessed with three sons?
Both options are very exciting, and I wonder how it will affect our family life.
And of course “it doesn‘t matter as long as it‘s a healthy child“, right.. we‘d be happy anywayz, but it still does matter!!

I just hope that I don‘t have to wait for too long now.. 2 months.. :)

Deduction Game