Monday, 31 December 2007

Am I Legend?

There have been many movies made about 'creatures' that hunt human beings for food. So what is it about 'I am legend' that differs it from the rest?

The only think I can come up with, is that it starrs Will Smith. I have only half a good word on the movie, because the first half of the movie was good. Can we blame the poor writing of the second half to the writers's strike? I'd like to, because I can't imagine any other reason why it was so terrible..

It all started when I disagreed with Will. Just after the scene where one of the infected ones came out in the sun, Will Smith said that "they were devolving" meaning, that they were no longer humans, but creatures who only act upon instincts. But it was obvious that the infected ones came out of the building in attempt to rescue it's girlfriend - showing signs of social attachment and courage.

No wonder Will Smith didn't see that trap coming ..

Rating: O O _ _ _

Monday, 24 December 2007

I yield..

I've fought for years now against me signing up with the network 'hyves'.To resist any temptation I even refused to visit the site ... until yesterday.

Yesterday I looked up a friends of mine who had invited me to Hyves a couple of years ago. I recognized many of her 'friends' from our high school period, and I thought that it was so cool to speak to them again. After seeing that more of my good friends were in the network, I yielded and signed up.

So go and check out my hyves-page!!

update: It's really fun to speak to my old friends again!

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Eid Mubarak!!

Once upon a time in a land far far away,
there was an old man named Abraham. Abraham was a pious man en one night God spoke to him in his dream.
"Abraham, you must sacrifice your son to Me"
The next day Abraham told his son about his dream, and his brave son Ismael tol dhim what to do.
"Dad, if Allah wants you to sacrifice me, then you must."

And together they walked up the hill to the altar. When Abraham was about to slaughter his son, an angel appeared with a goat.
"Abraham, you have proved you willingness to sacrifice the one thing that's most dear to you in life, for Allah. Now, take this goat and sacrifice it instead."

To remember the piousness of Abraham, and stop to think about how much our beloved ones and precious posessions mean to us in relation to Allah - muslims celebrate the day of Eid-ul-Adha, on the 10th of Dhul-Hidja (this year the 19th or 20th of december)


Monday, 17 December 2007

I believe in..

When I was a little girl I was sent to mosque every saturday & sunday. There I learned to read the Qur'an and had to memorize short 'prayers'. At the time, I had (of course) no idea what the meaning of all those texts were - because I didn't understand Arabic and no one bothered to give any explanation.

As I grew older, I found some meanings out myself, and one of my favourites was the 'Ark`an al Imaan', also known as the 6 pillars of Faith. One of my favourites because of it's meaning. And though I've read it often, it never struck my heart as it did when I heard Talib al Habib's version on YouTube. (I prefer the short one :) )

The short version:
The original version:

The translation:
I believe in Allah,
and in His angels,
and in His Holy Books,
and in His messengers,
and the Last Day (Judgement Day),
and that both good fate and bad fate are predeterment by Allah,
and in life after death.

For more info:

Monday, 3 December 2007


When you try to read 'sinterklaas' in english, it isn't so strange that it sounds a bit like Santa Clause. In fact, that is exactly how Santa Clause has been called into living :)

In Dutch folklore Sinterklaas gives presents to the children who have been nice the whole year. He comes all the way from .. no not the north pole .. but from SPAIN, together with his white horse and his companions the 'zwarte pieten'. The guys are black, and dressed in very colourful clothes - they are the ones carrying the bags with presents and they go down the chimney to put the presents in the shoes of the kids. It's because of the chimney that they've turned black.

As any holiday, there's more to the story than is being told. Many people don't know the history of Sinterklaas, and they probably don't care :P

In short, what I know of the story:
Sinterklaas' real name is Saint Nicolas. He was a bishop in the town of Mira (lies in Turkey). He was a good man, involved with the community and was nice to kids. He also freed some slaves, and out of thankfulness they remained at his side to accompany him. I don't know how Spain got in the picture, but if I'm not wrong St. Nicolas was/is also the saint of the shippers. That's why he comes with the boat, and well .. the boat has to come from another country, so why not Spain. The holiday of Sinterklaas is celebrated on the 5th of december, on the eve of his birthday.

For more info (in Dutch) and colouring fun, click on the picture!

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